11 Dental Tips for Halloween

Published on October 14, 2013 by





Halloween is traditionally celebrated by marching from house to house asking for candy.  Candy causes cavities.  It only takes several minutes and that’s why cavities are the number one chronic disease in children.

1. Delay eating the candy until you get home.

2. Avoid sticky candies that can get stuck into the grooves of back teeth.  Sticky candy can start to promote acid damage to teeth.

3. Restrict eating candy to only with meals. This way your kids ingest less and the saliva will help to reduce cavities.

4. Keep the candy in reserve and only bring out for the kids after meals.

5. Have the kids get their toothbrush out and apply toothpaste, floss and mouthwash too, before eating the candy.  This reinforces good cleaning / prevention habits.

6. Look inside your child’s mouth after brushing, if there are visible signs of candy stuck in the grooves of back teeth, brush again.  Then, look again to determine if all the candy has been removed.

7. Have chewing gum available that contains xylitol.  Xylitol helps to prevent cavities caused by eating Halloween candy.  Chewing gum when away from the toothbrush can assist in cleansing the candy particles away from their teeth.

8. Rinse with a fluoride mouthwash after eating the candy.  Fluoride helps to prevent cavities and strengthen teeth.

9. Floss to remove candy stuck between teeth.

10. Alternatively, encourage your kids to eat healthier foods.

11. If your kid’s teeth are sensitive to hot, cold, or sweets – schedule an appointment with our office as soon as possible  for they may have a cavity.

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