Tooth Stains

Published on September 17, 2013 by

Tooth stains may occur internally within the tooth structure or as external, surface stains. Tooth stains may be caused by problems with the formation of the tooth enamel, problems within the tooth or by simple stains from food, beverages or habits. Certain medications or chemicals taken by a pregnant woman or by a very young child can disrupt the developement of tooth enamel and result in the tooth becoming stained with gray bands, mottling or pitted.

Tooth stains may also be caused by a tooth that is chronically infected or necrotic with the tooth taking on a uniform grayish hue. In this situation, the infection must be treated first and then the color can be corrected by bleaching or a restoration. The simplest  form of the tooth stain is the discoloration caused by eternal factors such as food/beverages or tobacco use. Often a thorough professional cleaning will remove the stain and restore the teeth to their original brightness and whiteness.

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