Delicious Wines for the holiday festivities?

Published on December 27, 2013 by

‘Tis the season to be jolly and what brings in the holiday cheer like a little bit of wine? With the New Year just around the corner, lots of celebrations are sure to be in order. Unfortunately, the extra wine consumption during this time of year isn’t good news for the teeth.  We hate to be the Grinch, so we would like to extend a few tips to help you maintain your teeth white during the holiday celebrations.

A study from the New York College of Dentistry revealed that white wine is just as much to blame for tooth
stains as red wine. Both contain a lot of acidity, the factor that offer that tart flavor. Acid erodes the enamel causing rough area and grooves on the surface of the teeth that leave them susceptible to stains from other colored foods and drinks. Although white wine is colorless, it still leaves your teeth vulnerable to stains from coffee, tea, or other colored things.

Wines are not the only high acid culprits. Citrus drinks just like grapefruit and orange, most sports drinks, energy beverages and sodas are also fairly full of acid, causing vulnerabilities in the teeth.

Some helpful tips: Do not brush your teeth right after sipping your favorite holiday drink, allow time for your enamel to harden again. When brushing go lightly with whitening toothpaste and a soft bristle brush. Have you ever wondered why wine is so often paired with cheese? Cheese actually helps coat the teeth with calcium which protects the teeth, particularly the hard cheeses. Enjoying some raw vegetables such as cauliflower, broccoli, or celery increase saliva, assisting to wash away the acids, and actually act as a natural brush as well.

Therefore, some dental advise for you this holiday season is to be careful what you do when you enjoy those holiday drinks. Taking good care of your teeth will keep your wonderful smile. If you do feel your teeth aren’t looking their brightest, it might be time for an after the holiday trip to our office. We are very well equipped to provide your teeth a professional whitening that will get those pearly whites back to sparkling.

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